Help Is On The Way!
Last year shortly into our new homeschool year I had a horrible day that was part of a series of bad days. I’m going to be completely honest. The hardest part of this move to a place full of new things, new climate, new culture, snakes and tarantulas has not been the adjustment to all these new things.
The aspect that has been the biggest challenge, the one that has brought me to tears and had me consider packing up and leaving…is...HOMESCHOOL.
There, I said it.
So, one very trying day I cried out to God, I vented to Phil and I probably yelled at my kids that if something didn’t change, if something didn’t shift I couldn’t do it any more.
Every day was a battle of wills, and it was mine that was breaking.
It was in that moment of desperation that I heard that still small voice saying, ‘help is on the way’. I looked to the sky, eyebrows raised and replied, ‘Really? From where?’
Oh me of little faith. Shouldn’t I know by now that he always has a plan? Shouldn’t I know by now that when I hear that still small voice I ought to listen? Didn’t I name my own daughter as a reminder?
And yet, the frustration continued. People were put in their rooms (me included) tensions mounted. I scoured the internet for ideas, ways to change what we were doing, new curriculums, maybe that would be the help I longed for.
Then, on another terrible, awful, no good horrible day again that still small voice came and said, ‘google exactly this: help me homeschool my missionary kids’. So I did and there in front of me was a web site that linked missionaries in need with people looking to serve missionaries, voluntarily, no cost to us and on a tourist visa.
Exactly what I was praying for!
Long story short I applied. In April in the wee hours of the morning I couldn’t sleep for some reason and checked my email. There in black and white lighting up my dark bedroom was an email from someone who wanted to come and help.
Help was indeed on the way.
After a series of emails, skype calls and more emails we decided we liked each other and wanted to give it a go.
In less than a week, Madeline, an eighteen year old highschool grad taking a GAP year will come to help us with homeschool for three to six months.
Oh Jesus how sweet your answered prayers taste to this dry mouth!