Introducing Alpha to Northern Brazil

While we were in England, we managed to arrange a meeting with the people who look after Alpha in Brazil.  We had amazing results.

For those who don't know what Alpha is, it is a weekly 'dinner and a movie' night that covers a new topic about Christianity each week.  The course is designed for those who have never been to church or those who've gone their whole lives.  It's down to basics, strip away the religion, what does it mean to have a 'relationship' with the creator of the universe, through His son Jesus.  You eat a great meal with people, watch the video and then discuss, ask questions, argue and bring up all the niggling thoughts or questions you've had about God.

People often ask, so what will YOU do in Brazil?  This is something I can sink my teeth into. 

Phil and I have both been involved in our churches Alpha course for several years and just love it.  The transformation you see in peoples hearts from the first day to the last is never disappointing.  Alpha was what started a life changing shift in our lives and we're excited to share it with people who desparately need it's lifegiving message.

When we met with the Brazilian Alpha co-ordinator and the South American Alpha liazon in London they were both very excited about what Xingu mission is doing and seeing Alpha starting up in the area, as there aren't any courses running that far north yet.  They gave us bags full of resourses in Portuguese and had the DVD set sent to us.

We are looking very forward to starting this ministry in Maraba and sharing with you the stories of lives changed.


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